Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Strange Dress – European attire for men can differ greatly from that of their US counterpart. In past blogs we have touched upon the issue of style. This month we focus on some of the differences in what men do and don’t wear when their out and about.

Swim Attire – Speedos baby! It’s that simple. Italian men are very infrequently seen wearing the US version of a swim suite which typically goes down near the knee. In Italy, it’s all about showing “Your Package”! I would estimate that about 90% of all men wear some form of speedo style swim suite rather than the surfer look that you see in the US. Even Trey and I have gotten into the act somewhat, wearing a modified version, similar to a “brief”. Gotta be careful though as our legs aren’t accustomed to getting color in some of those upper thigh areas!

Flip Flops – Another interesting fact is that you never see Italian men wearing flip flops other than around the pool. It’s simply not an accepted form of dress. Sandals are only meant to be worn at the beach or by the pool, period end of story!

Sports Cap – Yet another “No no” unless your involved in some type of sport activity. It was somewhat strange for me at first (Being the only person at the gym or out on the streets with a hat on) but now I’m used to not wearing them. It’s funny, because when I see a man walking the streets of Florence with a cap, I know immediately that he isn’t Italian!

Shorts – Another article of clothing not seen on Italian men while walking the city streets. Shorts are reserved for the gym, the beach or at the pool. So what the heck do they wear on a hot summer day you ask? Linen or light cotton pants is the answer.

Chocolate Chip Cookies – When it comes to food, we miss very little about the States. Sure, an occasional authentic Mexican meal wouldn’t be too bad, but we have managed to recreate some decent Mexican dishes here with a little creativity. The sushi isn’t so great here, but pesce cruddo does a fine job in replacing it. Our palate for pastries and desert is forever ruined as the Italians do it so much better than the Americans who are addicted to an overabundance of sugar and richness (You won’t find any giant warm brownies with gobs of vanilla cream, whip cream and nuts in these parts).

There is one thing that the Italians simply can’t compete with us on and that’s the good old fashion American Chocolate Chip Cookie! Those that have had Anna’s know that hers are as good as any you will ever have. Prior to Christmas, the kids and I were craving mom’s cookies. When we came home for Christmas we loaded up on all the ingredients and she has been making them for our family and our Italian friends ever since.

To say that Anna’s cookies are a hit would be an understatement. When Simone had then he immediately said “Mama, you need to get the recipe for these biscuits and make them right away!” She has made them several times for him since. Anna promised Simone that she will make him “Biscuits” for his birthday on the 10th of May.

We took them to our friends Davide and Allesandro. When Helga saw them she immediately ate two in the parking lot of the restaurant BEFORE dinner!

Stelle loves em, Alex loves, shit everyone loves chocolate chip cookies, even Italians! Maybe we need to start a new business here…it might make a bundle!

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