Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Arrival of the Heslers

In early April, Anna’s folks visited us for ten days following their three week stint in Malta. It was the first time that Anna’s dad (“Brunz” as we affectionately call him) had been to Florence and it represented the return for Rita to the castle.

Our time together was spent at a nice slow pace, the way Italy was meant to be experienced. Anna’s folks showed an amazing amount of “Spunk” in making the journey here (In total they were in Europe for nearly six weeks!).

We visited many of the usual places in Florence and some of our favorite local restaurants, but it was the “Off the beaten track” places that stood out as highlights, as well as our time together over dinner at the castle, courtesy of my cooking lessons with Marcella. One night that stands out in particular was preparing dinner together with Marcella (Roast Veal, Fresh Asparagus and fried artichoke hearts). The desert that night involved the contributions of Rita who helped prepare the best canolli that I have ever had.

Carrara Marble is perhaps the most famous marble in the world. Its a white marble with thin grey veins and is found often in some of the more elegant hotels in the world. It also happens to be the marble that Michelangelo used when carving his masterpiece, “The David”. The town of Carrara is located about 90 minutes North of Florence and the as you drive by on the highway, you would swear that the mountains that create the backdrop for the town were just dusted with a fresh blanket of snow. With a closer look you realize that it’s not snow at all, but rather the exposed mountainside that has excavated for its precious stone for several hundred years.

We had waited for the last seven months to make this journey with Anna’s folks so Trey could experience the day with his grandfather who is an expert on this sort of stuff (Brunz has his degree in geophysics). It was quite a unique experience to see how the marble had been quarried from the mountainside. I have often wondered how there could be so much marble in the world from this one place, but after having visited Carrara it all became quite clear as the quarries are huge.

Following our time in Carrara it was off to Marina Di Pisa for lunch at our favorite fish restaurant that we have written about before. As usual we were treated like kings upon our arrival by our hosts Mario and Dino, the bothers that own La Taverna Dei Gabanani. Shrimp, calamari, sea bass, tuna were all a part of what was a nine or ten course lunch (You kind of lose track after a while especially when you are drinking so much wine!)

Following the meal, Brunz (Often a man of few words) looked up at us and simply said “Well that was about the best meal I’ve had in a long time!” Nothing else need be said, mission accomplished!

The kids loved having their grandparents there for the ten days and were very sad when they left. It was wonderful to see Anna’s mom and dad enjoy so much quality time with them and the kids ate up the attention.

On the final day of their time with us, Brunz surprised me by requesting to go with me to meet Marcella at San Lorenzo market. Marcella and I were meeting to do our weekly shopping before preparing another big meal and Brunz enjoyed his trip the pervious week at Italy’s largest food market so much that he wanted to return. The kicker was that he wanted to go on the motorino together!

Now imagine this sight, (Well you really don’t have to as the photos will help crystallize it for you) Brunz on the back of my motorino riding through the streets of Florence in mid day traffic, with Anna’s pink helmet on! There is simply no better way to experience this amazing city than on motor transportation and I think that he enjoyed every minute of it! Following our shopping, we had a bit of lunch with Marcella and then followed it up with a gelato. Not a bad day!

Well, enough of my tales of the Hesler’s time with us. I’ll let them fill you in from their perspective…

An interview with Edward Hesler –

Q1: Brunz, its been a long time since you have been to Italy. As you prepare to leave, what are some of the best memories that you have of your trip here?
EA: “Most recently riding on the motorino with Tim. It was the first time I have ever ridden on the back of one in such heavy traffic with a helmet three sizes too small that was pink! I also think that the countryside was so beautiful. I also liked the city of Venice. It was such an unusual place. I’m glad we took the train there for the day.”

Q2: You had some pretty good food while you were here. What were some of your favorite meals and as an accomplished chef, why do you think that the food is so good here?
EA: “Well I guess the raw fish (Pesce Crudo) that you and Marcella made today was just outstanding. All of it was terrific! Of course the seafood that we had that day in Marina Di Pisa was one of the best meals I have had in a long time.”

Q3: Brunz what are your thoughts on being able to see your two grandchildren and your daughter for ten days? What are some of your best memories of your time with them?
EA: “Well, it was just nice being around them. They were gone most of the day in school, but in the night we got to help them with their homework. Olivia gave me a great tour of the property. She showed me her favorite tree and took me into the basement. I liked that.”

Q4: Brunz, you’ve been traveling for nearly five weeks now. Are you looking forward to getting home soon?
EA: “Definitely!”

An interview with Rita –

Q1: In the ten days that you were here, the most surprising thing that I heard you say, was when you asked Anna “Why don’t you stay here for another year?” I know how much you have missed us. Why did you make such a suggestion?
RA: “Because you want to stay here for another year. It doesn’t matter how we feel. It matters how you feel. I really didn’t mean it though :>)”

Q2: Mom, you were here in November. Did the castle look the same this time around and was it the way you remembered it?
RA: “It was about the same for me. Nothing changed much. I still loved looking at all the wonderful views, it’s such a beautiful place. The sunset is simply marvelous. I enjoyed every minute of it. You could see it from three sides of the castle and in every location it was amazing.”

Q3: When you left last time, you new you would be back to see the castle and Florence again. How does it feel this time knowing that you won’t be back any time soon?
RA: “Oh, I don’t know. I think that I would like to see somewhere else. I really enjoyed all the great architecture, especially today. I really enjoyed it.”

Q4: How was it to spend time with your grandchildren and daughter for the past ten days?
RA: “It was wonderful, exciting funny, loving. Trey is getting funnier and funnier, it was really nice to see.”

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