Friday, July 11, 2008

One Final Tuscan Photo Journey

It was always in my mind that I would have the time to meander through the rolling hills of Tuscany one last time before I left. One final photo journey as Primavera (Spring) turned to D’estate (Summer). I’m so glad that I didn’t wait till that final week that we planned to be in Florence. It would have never happened.

Photography is all about timing because lighting is so important to a great photo. Many people think that shooting photography on a sunny day represents ideal conditions. In my mind, the only day worse than a sunny day (When it comes to photography of course) is an overcast day. Both represent a lack of lighting contrast. My preferred days for shooting are always partly cloudy days, because the lighting contrast (Especially in early morning and late day) can be dramatic. From there it’s all about timing and sometimes you have to wait a bit for the lighting to change.

These are luxuries that one can’t afford when on a short vacation. You have to take what Mother Nature gives you on that particular day and must be mindful of the needs of family and other desired items on your holiday itinerary. One of the truly wonderful things about this past year has been my ability to shoot photos without having to be rushed.

In early June, I woke very early to watch the Lakers get destroyed by the Celtics in the NBA finals. The game ended at about 5:30 am and the sun was starting to rise in the distance beyond our kitchen window. For the first time in nearly two weeks the skies did not threaten rain. Today was the day…

As I drove our Fiat Punto south towards Sienna I thought about how much I love to explore with my camera without time limits. I meandered down old country roads on foot and ventured over hilltops to view the hidden valleys that had lied beyond my view when driving by in the past.

This is my form of meditation in many ways and a day that I will always cherish about this past year in Italy. I’d like to take you through some of the photos of my day alone in Toscana. I will reflect upon them frequently when I have days of melancholy for what is surely one of the most beautiful places in the World. I hope you enjoy…

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