Friday, March 14, 2008

Switerland...Not like we drew it up!

It was all set, the perfect winter wonderland location. Nearly one year ago, I was shocked to find out that the kids had one full week off from school in February! This makes up for all the one off holidays that Italians don’t celebrate like Lincoln, Washington, MLK, the birth of Sitting Bull etc…

Switzerland was the logical choice. The kids have never skied and although Anna and I are not much for winter sports, we thought that a trip to Zermatt and Zurich to play in the snow and see the Matterhorn sounded like the perfect plan. Unfortunately, three days prior to departure, we learned that Olivia had bronchial pneumonia and we had to cancel the trip. In total, she missed an entire week of school and ran a fever of 104 degrees two days in a row! As would be expected, she was a trooper the entire time and even on the bad days whenever I asked her how she was doing she looked at me and said “Good Dad”. Just prior to her illness, Trey missed the entire previous week of school with bronchitis. We had no choice but to cancel no matter how big of a bummer it was.

The good news was that I had bought insurance and we will hopefully be reimbursed for the costs. At least we took the opportunity to spend a few days in Umbria that week once Livy was feeling a bit better (See Umbria Section).

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