Friday, June 13, 2008

Coming Home and What we are looking forward to (An interview with Anna, Trey and Olivia) -

It’s as if we have one foot in Italy and one in California. On one hand we are holding on to so many of the things that we cherish about our life here, the food, the history, our friends and the natural beauty that seems to get better every day. On the other hand, we are excited about seeing our friends and family, about lying by the pool in our backyard, the kid’s ability to jump on their bikes to head to a friends house and in general being Californians again.

In so many ways Italy is ideal for Anna and I as adults. Its as if we’ve lived a second “early adulthood” in so many ways, with the excitement of the city, meeting new friends and spending so much time together. Trey and Olivia have had a wonderful year here no doubt. It is evident in their smiles every day. However, Italy doesn’t provide a child with the same opportunities that America does. Its impossible for them to ride to a friends house, there are fewer things geared towards kids here and certainly less kids in general (Hence the reason that Italian adults are so kind to kids). In general it’s a different life for them here than at home.

This month’s interview touches upon what Anna and the kids are looking forward to about returning home. In the final blog next month we will go deeper with all three of them.

An interview with Trey, Olivia and Anna –

Q1: We’re getting close to the end of this family adventure, with less than 30 days until we return home. What are your feelings about leaving Italy?

TA: “I’m sad about some things and happy about other things. I’m sad that we have to leave the glorious gelato. Not just gelato though, pretty much all food. American food is bad (Unless its Mexican Food). I will miss Simone, Paolo, Stella and Givoanni. I will miss Diego and Joseph at school too. I’ll miss my teacher a lot. I think that she’s a really nice teacher unlike Mr. C (The other 4th grade teacher) who yells at everyone. She doesn’t yell at us for stupid things. I’ve learned a lot from her this year. I liked learning about endangered species and Egypt and lots of religions.”

OA: “I’m going to be very sad when we leave because there are some very very good friends we have here and I will miss them. I will really miss Paolo and his mom and dad, Simone and his family, Giovanni, Stella. I feel happy that we got to meet them because they are very nice people. It seems just like yesterday that we got here!”

AA: “I’m sad. I have a life here that I don’t want to leave. I also have a life in the United States, so I’m torn. Its not an easy decision at all. I’m really going to miss my friends here. I’m going to miss the city, the smells, the sounds the food. There are so many things. I’m going to miss the stone walls when I walk to the gym, the smell after it rains. Man, I’m going to miss the sound of the Italian language all around me and the sound of the swarm of motorinos. I’m going to miss the tranquility of the castle. Its so peaceful here. I’m going to miss the way that the beauty of the views makes me feel inside.”

Q2: How about your feelings about returning home, specifically what you are looking forward to, or not looking forward to?

TA: “I’m looking forward to seeing my friends and family. I look forward to being able to ride to my friends house on my bike. I’m looking forward to eating good sushi and burritos, but not looking forward to the “Frozen Doodoo” on a cone!”

OA: “I’m looking forward to seeing Fluffy, Tasha and my friends and family. I’m excited about going home. I’m going to miss Italy though because a very special animal died here. I’m not looking forward to bad ice cream!”

AA: “Well, with out a doubt I am looking forward to seeing all my friends and family. I’m not looking forward to the routine of my life in America. Its like, I’m not looking forward to track homes and strip malls and planned developments. I’m not looking forward to drivers who obey the rules! There are no fruit venders or mom and pop stores. I feel like its all mass production.”

Q3: What were your memories of your trip to Rome?

TA: “In Rome, the first thing that I remember the Coliseum. I liked the Spanish steps and the Vatican State. The structure of the coliseum was really cool. I liked the paintings in the Vatican Museum. I liked the places where they put the people who died (Sarcophagus) especially the one box that they buried the little boy in. It sad on the outside that he was a good student. The tapestries were cool. It seems so hard to sew with different colored yarn. It looked like a good artist painted on it.”

OA: “I remember that me and Trey made up a game called under sloth! We also played London Bridges! I liked getting my long rose too. I went for a walk with mommy and looked at jewelry together.

AA: “My first thought, was WOW, I forgot how much I like Rome. Its amazing! The monuments are overwhelmingly beautiful, enormous and incredible. The buildings are so massive and so beautiful. It’s such a great city. There’s so much life and energy. It’s beautiful. It’s completely different from Florence in most every way, but yet beautiful. I feel like there is so much more discovering there for me to do. I could live in Rome for a year. We shall see.”

Q4: Share with us your feelings about gelato

TA: “I think that gelato is better than any ice cream because it tastes more natural and less artificial, because they use real fruit. It tastes way better than ice cream. My favorite flavors are: Watermelon, Melone (Cantaloupe), Limone, Menta (Mint), Pesca (Peach), Fragola (Strawberry), Lampone (Raspberry)

OA: “I’m going to miss it because gelato (Ice Cream) is a piece of crap in America! I like menta (mint), Chocolato, fragola (Strawberry), strachatella (Chocolate chip), melone (Melon)”

AA: “Gelato is great. Unfortunately with my stomach (And fortunately for my ass!) I can’t eat a lot of it.

Q5: How was it to be surprised about seeing your grandma?

TA: “When I saw grandma, I was really surprised and really happy because I had thought that she wasn’t coming. I was shocked because right when I opened the elevator door I saw you guys and then I saw her. I’m really happy she came and did all the fun things with us.”

OA: “Well at first, I thought it was someone I didn’t even know. But when Trey said “Grandma” I was so happy, because I thought that she wasn’t coming.”

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